Category - Friendship

Friendship is a minefield of confusion in the reentry journey. Help on making new friends and trying to make sense of the old ones…

Re-Entry: An Internal Monologue

This week we’re welcoming Rachel to Rocky Re-entry as she shares her re-entry story… It took six months for the honeymoon to be over.  By that point, I’d figured out where to...

Themes from a Mini Re-entry

The last two weeks I’ve been in the midst of a mini re-entry after spending a couple weeks in South America traveling/volunteering.  I’m noticing them again, those themes from...

Losing our Innocence on the Field

Recently I attended a gathering where a couple was sharing about their future move to Asia.  They were excited, passionate, hopeful, and probably a bit nervous.  Preparing to move...

For the Middle Years of Re-entry

The other day I ran into a friend who is three years into re-entry after one year living overseas. And she said what I’ve heard many times before… “It’s still...

Advent: Expectations & Reentry

Advent.  Until last year, that word for me brought childhood memories of trying to make the candles stand up in the fake wreath on our kitchen table.  Then someone introduced me to the...